17.8 — C-style array decay

The C-style array passing challenge The designers of the C language had a problem. Consider the following simple program: #include <iostream> void print(int val) { std::cout << val; } int main() { int x { 5 }; print(x); return 0; } When print(x) is called, the value of argument x …

17.10 — C-style strings

In lesson , we introduced C-style arrays, which allow us to define a sequential collection of elements: int testScore[30] {}; // an array of 30 ints, indices 0 through 29 In lesson , we defined a string as a collection of sequential characters (such as “Hello, world!”), and introduced C-style …

16.6 — Arrays and loops

In the introductory lesson for this chapter (), we introduced the scalability challenges that occur when we have many related individual variables. In this lesson, we’ll reintroduce the problem, and then discuss how arrays can help us elegantly solve problems such as these. The variable scalability challenge, revisited Consider the …

11.2 — Arrays (Part II)

Warning This lesson has been deprecated and replaced with the updated lessons in the latter half of chapter 17 (starting with lesson ). This lesson continues the discussion of arrays that began in lesson . Initializing fixed arrays Array elements are treated just like normal variables, and as such, they …