1.2 — Comments

A is a programmer-readable note that is inserted directly into the source code of the program. Comments are ignored by the compiler and are for the programmer’s use only. In C++ there are two different styles of comments, both of which serve the same purpose: to help programmers document the …

0.3 — Introduction to C/C++

The C language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Telephone laboratories, primarily as a systems programming language (a language to write operating systems with). Ritchie’s primary goals were to produce a minimalistic language that was easy to compile, allowed efficient access to memory, produced efficient code, and …

0.2 — Introduction to programs and programming languages

Modern computers are incredibly fast, and getting faster all the time. However, computers also have some significant constraints: they only natively understand a limited set of instructions, and must be told exactly what to do. A computer program is a sequence of instructions that directs a computer to perform certain …