5.8 — Constexpr and consteval functions

In lesson 5.5 -- Constexpr variables, we introduced the constexpr keyword, which we used to create compile-time (symbolic) constants. We also introduced constant expressions, which are expressions that can be evaluated at compile-time rather than runtime.

One challenge with constant expressions is that function call to a normal function are not allowed in constant expressions. This means we cannot use such function calls anywhere a constant expression is required.

Consider the following program:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    constexpr double radius { 3.0 };
    constexpr double pi { 3.14159265359 };
    constexpr double circumference { 2.0 * radius * pi };
    std::cout << "Our circle has circumference " << circumference << "\n";

    return 0;    

This produces the result:

Our circle has circumference 18.8496

Having a complex initializer for circumference isn’t great (and requires us to instantiate two supporting variables, radius and pi). So let’s make it a function instead:

#include <iostream>

double calcCircumference(double radius)
    constexpr double pi { 3.14159265359 };
    return 2.0 * pi * radius;

int main()
    constexpr double circumference { calcCircumference(3.0) }; // compile error
    std::cout << "Our circle has circumference " << circumference << "\n";

    return 0;    

This code is much cleaner. It also doesn’t compile. Constexpr variable circumference requires that its initializer is a constant expression, and the call calcCircumference() isn’t a constant expression.

In this particular case, we could make circumference non-constexpr, and the program would compile. While we’d lose the benefits of constant expressions, at least the program would run.

However, there are other cases in C++ (which we’ll introduce in the future) where we do not have alternate options available, and only a constant expression will do. In those cases, we’d really like to be able to use functions, but calls to normal functions just won’t work. So what are we to do?

Constexpr functions can be used in constant expressions

A constexpr function is a function whose return value must be computable at compile-time when required. Because of this, constexpr functions can be used in constant expressions.

To make a function a constexpr function, we simply use the constexpr keyword in front of the function’s return type. Here’s the same example as above, but using a constexpr function:

#include <iostream>

constexpr double calcCircumference(double radius) // now a constexpr function
    constexpr double pi { 3.14159265359 };
    return 2.0 * pi * radius;

int main()
    constexpr double circumference { calcCircumference(3.0) }; // now compiles
    std::cout << "Our circle has circumference " << circumference << "\n";

    return 0;    

Because calcCircumference() is now a constexpr function, it can be used in a constant expression, such as the initializer of circumference.

Constexpr functions can be evaluated at compile time

Because variable circumference is constexpr, and a constexpr variable requires a constant expression initializer, the constexpr function calcCircumference() will be evaluated at compile-time.

Key insight

Constexpr functions allow us to write functions that may be evaluated at compile-time.

When a function call is evaluated at compile-time, the compiler will calculate the return value of the function call at compile-time, and then replace the function call with the return value.

So in our example, the call to calcCircumference(3.0) is replaced with the result of the function call, which is 18.8496. In other words, the compiler will compile this:

#include <iostream>

constexpr double calcCircumference(double radius)
    constexpr double pi { 3.14159265359 };
    return 2.0 * pi * radius;

int main()
    constexpr double circumference { 18.8496 };
    std::cout << "Our circle has circumference " << circumference << "\n";

    return 0;    

To be usable in a constant expression, a function must have a constexpr return type, and a call to the function must have arguments that are known at compile time (e.g. are constant expressions).

For advanced readers

There are some other lesser encountered criteria as well. These can be found here.

Our calcCircumference() function definition and function call in the above example meets these requirements, so it can be used in a constant expression.

Constexpr functions can also be evaluated at runtime

Constexpr functions can also be evaluated at runtime, in which case they will return a non-constexpr result. For example:

#include <iostream>

constexpr int greater(int x, int y)
    return (x > y ? x : y);

int main()
    int x{ 5 }; // not constexpr
    int y{ 6 }; // not constexpr

    std::cout << greater(x, y) << " is greater!\n"; // will be evaluated at runtime

    return 0;

In this example, because arguments x and y are not constant expressions, the function cannot be resolved at compile-time. However, the function will still be resolved at runtime, returning the expected value as a non-constexpr int.

Key insight

Allowing functions with a constexpr return type to be evaluated at either compile-time or runtime was allowed so that a single function can serve both cases.

Otherwise, you’d need to have separate functions (a function with a constexpr return type, and a function with a non-constexpr return type). This would not only require duplicate code, the two functions would also need to have different names!

Constexpr/consteval function parameters are not constexpr

The parameters of a constexpr function are not implicitly constexpr, nor may they be declared as constexpr.

Key insight

A constexpr function parameter would imply the function could only be called with a constexpr argument. But this is not the case -- constexpr functions can be called with non-constexpr arguments when the function is evaluated at runtime.

Because such parameters are not constexpr, they cannot be used in constant expressions within the function.

consteval int goo(int c)    // c is not constexpr, and cannot be used in constant expressions
    return c;

constexpr int foo(int b)    // b is not constexpr, and cannot be used in constant expressions
    constexpr int b2 { b }; // compile error: constexpr variable requires constant expression initializer

    return goo(b);          // compile error: consteval function call requires constant expression argument

int main()
    constexpr int a { 5 };

    std::cout << foo(a); // okay: constant expression a can be used as argument to constexpr function foo()
    return 0;

In the above example, function parameter b is not constexpr (even though argument a is a constant expression). This means b cannot be used anywhere a constant expression is required, such as the the initializer for a constexpr variable (e.g. b2) or in a call to a consteval function (goo(b)).

The parameters of constexpr functions may be declared as const, in which case they are treated as runtime constants.

Related content

If you need parameters that are constant expressions, see 11.10 -- Non-type template parameters.

Constexpr functions are implicitly inline

When a constexpr function is evaluated at compile-time, the compiler must be able to see the full definition of the constexpr function prior to such function calls. A forward declaration will not suffice in this case, even if the actual function definition appears later in the same compilation unit.

This means that a constexpr function called in multiple files needs to have its definition included into each translation unit -- which would normally be a violation of the one-definition rule. To avoid such problems, constexpr functions are implicitly inline, which makes them exempt from the one-definition rule.

As a result, constexpr functions are often defined in header files, so they can be #included into any .cpp file that requires the full definition.


The compiler must be able to see the full definition of a constexpr (or consteval) function, not just a forward declaration.

Best practice

Constexpr/consteval functions used in a single source file (.cpp) can be defined in the source file above where they are used.

Constexpr/consteval functions used in multiple source files should be defined in a header file so they can be included into each source file.

For constexpr function calls that are evaluated at runtime, a forward declaration is sufficient to satisfy the compiler.

Author’s note

The sections above this author’s note are the most important things to know about constexpr functions. The rest of this lesson contains information that you should read, but is less important to understand deeply.

So when is a constexpr function evaluated at compile-time?

You might think that a constexpr function would evaluate at compile-time whenever possible, but unfortunately this is not the case.

Back in lesson 5.4 -- Constant expressions and compile-time optimization, we noted “The compiler is only required to evaluate constant expressions at compile-time in contexts that require a constant expression (such as the initializer of a compile-time constant). In contexts that do not require a constant expression, the compiler may choose whether to evaluate a constant expression at compile-time or at runtime.”

Since constexpr function calls are constant expressions, they follow the same rule. In other words, the compiler is only required to evaluate a constexpr function at compile time if it is used in a context that requires a constant expression.

Otherwise, the compiler is free to evaluate the function at either compile-time or runtime.

Let’s examine a few cases to explore this further:

#include <iostream>

constexpr int greater(int x, int y)
    return (x > y ? x : y);

int main()
    constexpr int g { greater(5, 6) };              // case 1: always evaluated at compile-time
    std::cout << g << " is greater!\n";

    std::cout << greater(5, 6) << " is greater!\n"; // case 2: may be evaluated at either runtime or compile-time

    int x{ 5 }; // not constexpr but value is known at compile-time
    std::cout << greater(x, 6) << " is greater!\n"; // case 3: likely evaluated at runtime

    std::cin >> x;
    std::cout << greater(x, 6) << " is greater!\n"; // case 4: always evaluated at runtime

    return 0;

In case 1, we’re calling greater() in a context that requires a constant expression. Thus greater() must be evaluated at compile-time.

In case 2, the greater() function is being called in a context that does not require a constant expression, as output statements must execute at runtime. However, since the arguments are constant expressions, the function is eligible to be evaluated at compile-time. Thus the compiler is free to choose whether this call to greater() will be evaluated at compile-time or runtime.

In case 3, we’re calling greater() with one argument that is not a constant expression. However, this argument has a value that is known at compile-time. Under the as-if rule, the compiler could decide to treat x as constexpr, and evaluate this call to greater() at compile-time. But more likely, it will evaluate it at runtime.

In case 4, the value of argument x can’t be known at compile-time, so this call to greater() will always evaluate at runtime.

Key insight

A constexpr function must be evaluated at compile-time if the return value is used where a constant expression is required. Otherwise, compile-time evaluation is not guaranteed.

Thus, a constexpr function is better thought of as “can be used in a constant expression”, not “will be evaluated at compile-time”.

When a constexpr (or consteval) function is being evaluated at compile-time, any other functions it calls are required to be evaluated at compile-time (otherwise the initial function would not be able to return a result at compile-time).

Key insight

Put another way, we can categorize the likelihood that a function will actually be evaluated at compile-time as follows:

Always (required by the standard):

  • Constexpr function is called where constant expression is required.
  • Constexpr function is called from other function being evaluated at compile-time.

Probably (there’s little reason not to):

  • Constexpr function is called where constant expression isn’t required, all arguments are constant expressions.

Possibly (if optimized under the as-if rule):

  • Constexpr function is called where constant expression isn’t required, some arguments are not constant expressions but their values are known at compile-time.
  • Non-constexpr function is called, all arguments are constant expressions.

Never (not possible):

  • Constexpr function is called where constant expression isn’t required, some arguments have values that are not known at compile-time.

Note that your compiler’s optimization level setting may have an impact on whether it decides to evaluate a function at compile-time or runtime. This also means that your compiler may make different choices for debug vs. release builds (as debug builds typically have optimizations turned off).

For example, both gcc and Clang will not compile-time evaluate a constexpr function called where a constant expression isn’t required unless the compiler told to optimize the code (e.g. using the -O2 compiler option).

Determining if a constexpr function call is evaluating at compile-time or runtime

C++ does not currently provide any reliable mechanisms to do this.

What about std::is_constant_evaluated or if consteval? Advanced

Neither of these capabilities tell you whether a function call is evaluating at compile-time or runtime.

std::is_constant_evaluated() (defined in the <type_traits> header) returns a bool indicating whether the current function is executing in a constant-evaluated context. A constant-evaluated context (also called a constant context) is defined as one in which a constant expression is required (such as the initialization of a constexpr variable). So in cases where the compiler is required to evaluate a constant expression at compile-time std::is_constant_evaluated() will true as expected.

This is intended to allow you to do something like this:

#include <type_traits> // for std::is_constant_evaluated()

constexpr int someFunction()
    if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) // if evaluating in constant context

However, the compiler may also choose to evaluate a constexpr function at compile-time in a context that does not require a constant expression. In such cases, std::is_constant_evaluated() will return false even though the function did evaluate at compile-time. So std::is_constant_evaluated() really means “the compiler is being forced to evaluate this at compile-time”, not “this is evaluating at compile-time”.

Key insight

While this may seem strange, there are several reasons for this:

  1. As the paper that proposed this feature indicates, the standard doesn’t actually make a distinction between “compile time” and “runtime”. Defining behavior involving that distinction would have been a larger change.
  2. If std::is_constant_evaluated() returned true when a function was evaluated at compile-time for any reason, the optimizer (acting under the as-if rule) would potentially be able to change the behavior of a program by optionally evaluating a function at compile time (which would be a violation of the as-if rule). While this could be addressed in various ways, those involve adding additional complexity to the optimizer and/or limiting its ability to optimize certain cases.

Introduced in C++23, if consteval is a replacement for if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) that provides a nicer syntax and fixes some other issues. However, it evaluates the same way.

Forcing a constexpr function to be evaluated at compile-time

There is no way to tell the compiler that a constexpr function should prefer to evaluate at compile-time whenever it can (e.g. in cases where the return value of a constexpr function is used in a non-constant expression).

However, we can force a constexpr function that is eligible to be evaluated at compile-time to actually evaluate at compile-time by ensuring the return value is used where a constant expression is required. This needs to be done on a per-call basis.

The most common way to do this is to use the return value to initialize a constexpr variable (this is why we’ve been using variable ‘g’ in prior examples). Unfortunately, this requires introducing a new variable into our program just to ensure compile-time evaluation, which is ugly and reduces code readability.

For advanced readers

There are several hacky ways that people have tried to work around the problem of having to introduce a new constexpr variable each time we want to force compile-time evaluation. See here and here.

However, in C++20, there is a better workaround to this issue, which we’ll present in a moment.

Consteval C++20

C++20 introduces the keyword consteval, which is used to indicate that a function must evaluate at compile-time, otherwise a compile error will result. Such functions are called immediate functions.

#include <iostream>

consteval int greater(int x, int y) // function is now consteval
    return (x > y ? x : y);

int main()
    constexpr int g { greater(5, 6) };              // ok: will evaluate at compile-time
    std::cout << g << '\n';

    std::cout << greater(5, 6) << " is greater!\n"; // ok: will evaluate at compile-time

    int x{ 5 }; // not constexpr
    std::cout << greater(x, 6) << " is greater!\n"; // error: consteval functions must evaluate at compile-time

    return 0;

In the above example, the first two calls to greater() will evaluate at compile-time. The call to greater(x, 6) cannot be evaluated at compile-time, so a compile error will result.

Best practice

Use consteval if you have a function that must evaluate at compile-time for some reason (e.g. because it does something that can only be done at compile time).

Perhaps surprisingly, the parameters of a consteval function are not constexpr (even though consteval functions can only be evaluated at compile-time). This decision was made for the sake of consistency.

Using consteval to make constexpr execute at compile-time C++20

The downside of consteval functions is that such functions can’t evaluate at runtime, making them less flexible than constexpr functions, which can do either. Therefore, it would still be useful to have a convenient way to force constexpr functions to evaluate at compile-time (even when the return value is being used where a constant expression is not required), so that we could have compile-time evaluation when possible, and runtime evaluation when we can’t.

Consteval functions provides a way to make this happen, using a neat helper function:

#include <iostream>

// Uses abbreviated function template (C++20) and `auto` return type to make this function work with any type of value
// See 'related content' box below for more info (you don't need to know how these work to use this function)
consteval auto compileTimeEval(auto value)
    return value;

constexpr int greater(int x, int y) // function is constexpr
    return (x > y ? x : y);

int main()
    std::cout << greater(5, 6) << '\n';                  // may or may not execute at compile-time
    std::cout << compileTimeEval(greater(5, 6)) << '\n'; // will execute at compile-time

    int x { 5 };
    std::cout << greater(x, 6) << '\n';                  // we can still call the constexpr version at runtime if we wish

    return 0;

This works because consteval functions require constant expressions as arguments -- therefore, if we use the return value of a constexpr function as an argument to a consteval function, the constexpr function must be evaluated at compile-time! The consteval function just returns this argument as its own return value, so the caller can still use it.

Note that the consteval function returns by value. While this might be inefficient to do at runtime (if the value was some type that is expensive to copy, e.g. std::string), in a compile-time context, it doesn’t matter because the entire call to the consteval function will simply be replaced with the calculated return value.

Related content

We cover auto return types in lesson 10.9 -- Type deduction for functions.
We cover abbreviated function templates (auto parameters) in lesson 11.9 -- Function templates with multiple template types.

Constexpr/consteval functions can use non-const local variables

Within a constexpr or consteval function, we can use local variables that are not constexpr, and the value of these variables can be changed.

As a silly example:

#include <iostream>

consteval int doSomething(int x, int y) // function is consteval
    x = x + 2;       // we can modify the value of non-const function parameters

    int z { x + y }; // we can instantiate non-const local variables
    if (x > y)
        z = z - 1;   // and then modify their values

    return z;

int main()
    constexpr int g { doSomething(5, 6) };
    std::cout << g << '\n';

    return 0;

When such functions are evaluated at compile-time, the compiler will essentially “execute” the function and return the calculated value.

Constexpr/consteval functions can use function parameters and local variables as arguments in constexpr function calls

Above, we noted, “When a constexpr (or consteval) function is being evaluated at compile-time, any other functions it calls are required to be evaluated at compile-time.”

Perhaps surprisingly, a constexpr or consteval function can use its function parameters (which aren’t constexpr) or even local variables (which may not be const at all) as arguments in a constexpr function call. When a constexpr or consteval function is being evaluated at compile-time, the value of all function parameters and local variables must be known to the compiler (otherwise it couldn’t evaluate them at compile-time). Therefore, in this specific context, C++ allows these values to be used as arguments in a call to a constexpr function, and that constexpr function call can still be evaluated at compile-time.

#include <iostream>

constexpr int goo(int c) // goo() is now constexpr
    return c;

constexpr int foo(int b) // b is not a constant expression within foo()
    return goo(b);       // if foo() is resolved at compile-time, then `goo(b)` can also be resolved at compile-time

int main()
    std::cout << foo(5);
    return 0;

In the above example, foo(5) may or may not be evaluated at compile time. If it is, then the compiler knows that b is 5. And even though b is not constexpr, the compiler can treat the call to goo(b) as if it were goo(5) and evaluate that function call at compile-time. If foo(5) is instead resolved at runtime, then goo(b) will also be resolved at runtime.

Can a constexpr function call a non-constexpr function?

The answer is yes, but only when the constexpr function is being evaluated in a non-constant context. A non-constexpr function may not be called when a constexpr function is evaluating in a constant context (because then the constexpr function wouldn’t be able to produce a compile-time constant value), and doing so will produce a compilation error.

Calling a non-constexpr function is allowed so that a constexpr function can do something like this:

#include <type_traits> // for std::is_constant_evaluated

constexpr int someFunction()
    if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) // if evaluating in constant context
        return someConstexprFcn();
        return someNonConstexprFcn();

Now consider this variant:

constexpr int someFunction(bool b)
    if (b)
        return someConstexprFcn();
        return someNonConstexprFcn();

This is legal as long as someFunction(false) is never called in a constant expression.

As an aside…

Prior to C++23, the C++ standard says that a constexpr function must return a constexpr value for at least one set of arguments, otherwise it is technically ill-formed. Calling a non-constexpr function unconditionally in a constexpr function makes the constexpr function ill-formed. However, compilers are not required to generate errors or warnings for such cases -- therefore, the compiler probably won’t complain unless you try to call such a constexpr function in a constant context. In C++23, this requirement was rescinded.

For best results, we’d advise the following:

  1. Avoid calling non-constexpr functions from within a constexpr function if possible.
  2. If your constexpr function requires different behavior for constant and non-constant contexts, conditionalize the behavior with if (std::is_constant_evaluated()).
  3. Always test your constexpr functions in a constant context, as they may work when called in a non-constant context but fail in a constant context.

Why not constexpr every function?

There are a few reasons you may not want to constexpr a function:

  1. constexpr signals that a function can be used in a constant expression. If your function cannot be evaluated as part of a constant expression, it should not be marked as constexpr.
  2. constexpr is part of the interface of a function. Once a function is made constexpr, it can be called by other constexpr functions or used in contexts that require constant expressions. Removing the constexpr later will break such code.
  3. constexpr makes functions harder to debug because you can’t inspect them at runtime.

Why constexpr a function when it is not actually evaluated at compile-time?

New programmers sometimes ask, “why should I constexpr a function when it is only evaluated at runtime in my program (e.g. because the arguments in the function call are non-const)”?

There are a few reasons:

  1. There’s little downside to using constexpr, and it may help the compiler optimize your program to be smaller and faster.
  2. Just because you’re not calling the function in a compile-time evaluatable context right now doesn’t mean you won’t call it in such a context when you modify or extend your program. And if you haven’t constexpr’d the function already, you may not think to when you do start to call it in such a context, and then you’ll miss out on the performance benefits. Or you may be forced to constexpr it later when you need to use the return value in a context that requires a constant expression somewhere.
  3. Repetition helps ingrain best practices.

On a non-trivial project, it’s a good idea to implement your functions with the mindset that they may be reused (or extended) in the future. Any time you modify an existing function, you risk breaking it, and that means it needs to be retested, which takes time and energy. It’s often worth spending an extra minute or two “doing it right the first time” so you don’t have to redo (and retest) it again later.

As a general rule, if a function can be evaluated as part of a constant expression, it should be made constexpr. That said, if your program is trivial or a throw-away and you don’t constexpr a function, the world isn’t going to end. Hopefully.

Best practice

Unless you have a specific reason not to, a function that can evaluate as part of a constant expression should be made constexpr.

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