9.6 — Assert and static_assert

In a function that takes parameters, the caller may be able to pass in arguments that are syntactically valid but semantically meaningless. For example, in the previous lesson (9.4 -- Detecting and handling errors), we showed the following sample function:

void printDivision(int x, int y)
    if (y != 0)
        std::cout << static_cast<double>(x) / y;
        std::cerr << "Error: Could not divide by zero\n";

This function does an explicit check to see if y is 0, since dividing by zero is a semantic error and will cause the program to crash if executed.

In the prior lesson, we discussed a couple of ways to deal with such problems, including halting the program, or skipping the offending statements.

Both of those options are problematic though. If a program skips statements due to an error, then it is essentially failing silently. Especially while we are writing and debugging programs, silent failures are bad, because they obscure real problems. Even if we print an error message, that error message may be lost among the other program output, and it may be non-obvious where the error message is being generated or how the conditions that triggered the error message occurred. Some functions may be called tens or hundreds of times, and if only one of those cases is generating a problem, it can be hard to know which one.

If the program terminates (via std::exit) then we will have lost our call stack and any debugging information that might help us isolate the problem. std::abort is a better option for such cases, as typically the developer will be given the option to start debugging at the point where the program aborted.

Preconditions, invariants, and postconditions

In programming, a precondition is any condition that must be true prior to the execution of some section of code (typically the body of a function). In the prior example, our check that y != 0 is a precondition that ensures y has a non-zero value before dividing by y.

Preconditions for a function are best placed at the top of a function, using an early return to return back to the caller if the precondition isn’t met. For example:

void printDivision(int x, int y)
    if (y == 0) // handle 
        std::cerr << "Error: Could not divide by zero\n";
        return; // bounce the user back to the caller

    // We now know that y != 0
    std::cout << static_cast<double>(x) / y;

Optional reading

This is sometimes known as the “bouncer pattern”, as you are bounced out of the function immediately when an error is detected.

The bouncer pattern has two major benefits:

  1. All your test cases are up-front, and the test case and code handling the error are together.
  2. You end up with less nesting.

Here’s what the non-bouncer version of this looks like:

void printDivision(int x, int y)
    if (y != 0)
        std::cout << static_cast<double>(x) / y;
        std::cerr << "Error: Could not divide by zero\n";
        return; // bounce the user back to the caller

This version is strictly worse, as the test case and code handling the error are more separated, and there is more nesting.

An invariant is a condition that must be true while some section of code is executing. This is often used with loops, where the loop body will only execute so long as the invariant is true.

For advanced readers

We talk about a common type of invariant called a “class invariant” in lesson 14.2 -- Introduction to classes.

Similarly, a postcondition is something that must be true after the execution of some section of code. Our function doesn’t have any postconditions.


Using a conditional statement to detect an invalid parameter (or to validate some other kind of assumption), along with printing an error message and terminating the program, is such a common method of detecting problems that C++ provides a shortcut method for doing this.

An assertion is an expression that will be true unless there is a bug in the program. If the expression evaluates to true, the assertion statement does nothing. If the conditional expression evaluates to false, an error message is displayed and the program is terminated (via std::abort). This error message typically contains the expression that failed as text, along with the name of the code file and the line number of the assertion. This makes it very easy to tell not only what the problem was, but where in the code the problem occurred. This can help with debugging efforts immensely.

Key insight

Asserts are used to detect errors while developing and debugging.

When an assertion evaluates to false, your program is immediately stopped. This gives you an opportunity to use debugging tools to examine the state of your program and determine why the assertion failed. Working backwards, you can then find and fix the issue quickly.

Without an assertion to detect an error and fail, such an error would likely cause your program to malfunction later. In such cases, it can be very difficult to determine where things are going wrong, or what the root cause of the issue actually is.

In C++, runtime assertions are implemented via the assert preprocessor macro, which lives in the <cassert> header.

#include <cassert> // for assert()
#include <cmath> // for std::sqrt
#include <iostream>

double calculateTimeUntilObjectHitsGround(double initialHeight, double gravity)
  assert(gravity > 0.0); // The object won't reach the ground unless there is positive gravity.
  if (initialHeight <= 0.0)
    // The object is already on the ground. Or buried.
    return 0.0;
  return std::sqrt((2.0 * initialHeight) / gravity);

int main()
  std::cout << "Took " << calculateTimeUntilObjectHitsGround(100.0, -9.8) << " second(s)\n";

  return 0;

When the program calls calculateTimeUntilObjectHitsGround(100.0, -9.8), assert(gravity > 0.0) will evaluate to false, which will trigger the assert. That will print a message similar to this:

dropsimulator: src/main.cpp:6: double calculateTimeUntilObjectHitsGround(double, double): Assertion 'gravity > 0.0' failed.

The actual message varies depending on which compiler you use.

Although asserts are most often used to validate function parameters, they can be used anywhere you would like to validate that something is true.

Although we told you previously to avoid preprocessor macros, asserts are one of the few preprocessor macros that are considered acceptable to use. We encourage you to use assert statements liberally throughout your code.

Key insight

Asserts are better than comments because they have both document and enforce a condition. Comments can become stale when the code changes and the comment isn’t updated. An assert that has become out of date is a code correctness issue, so developers are less likely to let them languish.

Making your assert statements more descriptive

Sometimes assert expressions aren’t very descriptive. Consider the following statement:


If this assert is triggered, the assert will say:

Assertion failed: found, file C:\\VCProjects\\Test.cpp, line 34

What does this even mean? Clearly found was false (since the assert triggered), but what wasn’t found? You’d have to go look at the code to determine that.

Fortunately, there’s a little trick you can use to make your assert statements more descriptive. Simply add a string literal joined by a logical AND:

assert(found && "Car could not be found in database");

Here’s why this works: A string literal always evaluates to Boolean true. So if found is false, false && true is false. If found is true, true && true is true. Thus, logical AND-ing a string literal doesn’t impact the evaluation of the assert.

However, when the assert triggers, the string literal will be included in the assert message:

Assertion failed: found && "Car could not be found in database", file C:\\VCProjects\\Test.cpp, line 34

That gives you some additional context as to what went wrong.

Using assertions for unimplemented features

Assertions are also sometimes used to document cases that were not implemented because they were not needed at the time the programmer wrote the code:

assert(moved && "Need to handle case where student was just moved to another classroom");

That way, if a developer encounters a situation where this case is needed, the code will fail with a useful error message, and the programmer can then determine how to implement that case.


The assert macro comes with a small performance cost that is incurred each time the assert condition is checked. Furthermore, asserts should (ideally) never be encountered in production code (because your code should already be thoroughly tested). Consequently, most developers prefer that asserts are only active in debug builds. C++ comes with a built-in way to turn off asserts in production code: if the preprocessor macro NDEBUG is defined, the assert macro gets disabled.

Most IDEs set NDEBUG by default as part of the project settings for release configurations. For example, in Visual Studio, the following preprocessor definitions are set at the project level: WIN32;NDEBUG;_CONSOLE. If you’re using Visual Studio and want your asserts to trigger in release builds, you’ll need to remove NDEBUG from this setting.

If you’re using an IDE or build system that doesn’t automatically define NDEBUG in release configuration, you will need to add it in the project or compilation settings manually.


For testing purposes, you can enable or disable asserts within a given translation unit. To do so, place one of the following on its own line before any #includes: #define NDEBUG (to disable asserts) or #undef NDEBUG (to enable asserts). Make sure that you do not end the line in a semicolon.


#define NDEBUG // disable asserts (must be placed before any #includes)
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    assert(false); // won't trigger since asserts have been disabled in this translation unit
    std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";

    return 0;


C++ also has another type of assert called static_assert. A static_assert is an assertion that is checked at compile-time rather than at runtime, with a failing static_assert causing a compile error. Unlike assert, which is declared in the <cassert> header, static_assert is a keyword, so no header needs to be included to use it.

A static_assert takes the following form:

static_assert(condition, diagnostic_message)

If the condition is not true, the diagnostic message is printed. Here’s an example of using static_assert to ensure types have a certain size:

static_assert(sizeof(long) == 8, "long must be 8 bytes");
static_assert(sizeof(int) >= 4, "int must be at least 4 bytes");

int main()
	return 0;

On the author’s machine, when compiled, the compiler errors:

1>c:\consoleapplication1\main.cpp(19): error C2338: long must be 8 bytes

A few useful notes about static_assert:

  • Because static_assert is evaluated by the compiler, the condition must be a constant expression.
  • static_assert can be placed anywhere in the code file (even in the global namespace).
  • static_assert is not deactivated in release builds (like normal assert is).
  • Because the compiler does the evaluation, there is no runtime cost to a static_assert.

Prior to C++17, the diagnostic message must be supplied as the second parameter. Since C++17, providing a diagnostic message is optional.

Best practice

Favor static_assert over assert() whenever possible.

Asserts vs error handling

Assertions and error handling are similar enough that their purposes can be confused, so let’s clarify.

Assertions are used to detect programming errors during development by documenting assumptions about things that should never happen. And if they do happen, it’s the fault of the programmer. Assertions do not allow recovery from errors (after all, if something should never happen, there’s no need to recover from it). Because asserts are typically compiled-out in release builds, you can put a lot of them in without worrying about performance, so there’s little reason not to use them liberally.

Error handling is used when we need to gracefully handle cases that could happen (however rarely) in a release build. These may either be recoverable issues (where the program can keep running), or unrecoverable issues (where the program has to shut down, but we can at least show a nice error message and ensure everything is cleaned up properly). Error detection and handling has both a runtime performance cost and a development time cost.

In some cases, it’s less clear what we should do. Consider a function like this:

double getInverse(double x)
    return 1.0 / x;

If x is 0.0, this function will misbehave, and we need to guard against that. Should we use an assert or error handling? The best answer may be “both”.

During debugging, if this function is called when x is 0.0, that indicates a bug in our code somewhere, and we want to know that immediately. So an assert is definitely appropriate.

However, this could also reasonably happen in a release build (e.g. along an obscure path we didn’t test). If the assert is compiled out and we don’t have error handling, then this function will return something unexpected and misbehave. In such a case, it’s probably better to detect that and handle the case.

Our resulting function might look like this:

double getInverse(double x)
    assert(x != 0.0);
    if (x == 0.0)
       // handle error somehow (e.g. throw an exception)

    return 1.0 / x;


Given this, we suggest the following:

  • Use assertions to detect programming errors, incorrect assumptions, or conditions that should never occur in correct code. It is the programmer’s responsibility to fix these, so we want to catch them early.
  • Use error handling for issues that we expect will occur during the normal operation of your program.
  • Use both in cases where something isn’t supposed to occur, but we want to fail gracefully if it does.

Some assert limitations and warnings

There are a few pitfalls and limitations to asserts. First, the assert itself can be improperly written. If this happens, the assert will either report an error where none exists, or fail to report a bug where one does exist.

Second, your assert() expressions should have no side effects, as the assert expression won’t be evaluated when NDEBUG is defined (and thus the side effect won’t be applied). Otherwise, what you are testing in a debug configuration will not be the same as in a release configuration (assuming you ship with NDEBUG).

Also note that the abort() function terminates the program immediately, without a chance to do any further cleanup (e.g. close a file or database). Because of this, asserts should be used only in cases where corruption isn’t likely to occur if the program terminates unexpectedly.

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