In the previous lesson 26.3 -- Function template specialization, we saw how it was possible to specialize functions in order to provide different functionality for specific data types. As it turns out, it is not only possible to specialize functions, it is also possible to specialize classes!
Consider the case where you want a class that stores 8 objects. Here’s a simplified class template to do so:
This example prints:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 false true true true false true true true
While this class is completely functional, it turns out that the implementation of Storage8<bool>
is more inefficient than it needs to be. Because all variables must have an address, and the CPU can’t address anything smaller than a byte, all variables must be at least a byte in size. Consequently, a variable of type bool
ends up using an entire byte even though technically it only needs a single bit to store its true or false value! Thus, a bool
is 1 bit of useful information and 7 bits of wasted space. Our Storage8<bool>
class, which contains 8 bool
, is 1 byte worth of useful information and 7 bytes of wasted space.
As it turns out, using some basic bit logic, it’s possible to compress all 8 bools into a single byte, eliminating the wasted space altogether. However, in order to do this, we’ll need to revamp the class when used with type bool
, replacing the array of 8 bool
with a variable that is a single byte in size. While we could create an entirely new class to do so, this has one major downside: we have to give it a different name. Then the programmer has to remember that Storage8<T>
is meant for non-bool types, whereas Storage8Bool
(or whatever we name the new class) is meant for bool
. That’s needless complexity we’d rather avoid. Fortunately, C++ provides us a better method: class template specialization.
Class template specialization
Class template specialization allows us to specialize a template class for a particular data type (or data types, if there are multiple template parameters). In this case, we’re going to use class template specialization to write a customized version of Storage8<bool>
that will take precedence over the generic Storage8<T>
Class template specializations are treated as completely independent classes, even though they are instantiated in the same way as the templated class. This means that we can change anything and everything about our specialization class, including the way it’s implemented and even the functions it makes public, just as if it were an independent class.
Just like all templates, the compiler must be able to see the full definition of a specialization to use it. Also, defining a class template specialization requires the non-specialized class to be defined first.
Here’s an example of a specialized Storage8<bool>
First, note that our specialized class template starts off with template<>
. The template keyword tells the compiler that what follows is a template, and the empty angle braces means that there aren’t any template parameters. In this case, there aren’t any template parameters because we’re replacing the only template parameter (T
) with a specific type (bool
Next, we add <bool>
to the class name to denote that we’re specializing a bool
version of class Storage8
All of the other changes are just class implementation details. You do not need to understand how the bit-logic works in order to use the class (though you can review O.2 -- Bitwise operators if you want to figure it out, but need a refresher on how bitwise operators work).
Note that this specialization class utilizes a std::uint8_t
(1 byte unsigned int) instead of an array of 8 bool
(8 bytes).
Now, when we instantiate an object type Storage<T>
, where T
is not a bool
, we’ll get a version stenciled from the generic templated Storage8<T>
class. When we instantiate an object of type Storage8<bool>
, we’ll get the specialized version we just created. Note that we have kept the publicly exposed interface of both classes the same -- while C++ gives us free reign to add, remove, or change functions of Storage8<bool>
as we see fit, keeping a consistent interface means the programmer can use either class in exactly the same manner.
As you might expect, this prints the same result as the previous example that used the non-specialized version of Storage8<bool>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 false true true true false true true true
Specializing member functions
In the previous lesson, we introduced this example:
Our desire is to specialize the print()
function so that it prints doubles in scientific notation. Using class template specialization, we could define a specialized class for Storage<double>
However, note how much redundancy there is here. We’ve duplicated an entire class definition just so that we can change one member function!
Fortunately, we can do better. C++ does not require us to explicitly specialize Storage<double>
to explicitly specialize Storage<double>::print()
. Instead, we can let the compiler implicitly specialize Storage<double>
from Storage<T>
, and provide an explicit specialization of just Storage<double>::print()
! Here’s what that looks like:
That’s it!
As noted in the prior lesson (26.3 -- Function template specialization), explicit function specializations are not implicitly inline, so we should mark our specialization of Storage<double>::print()
as inline if it is defined it in a header file.
Where to define class template specializations
In order to use a specialization, the compiler must be able to see the full definition of both the non-specialized class and the specialized class. If the compiler can only see the definition of the non-specialized class, it will use that instead of the specialization.
For this reason, specialized classes and functions are often defined in a header file just below the definition of the non-specialized class, so that including a single header includes both the non-specialized class and any specializations. This ensures the specialization can always be seen whenever the non-specialized class can also be seen.
If a specialization is only required in a single translation unit, it can be defined in the source file for that translation unit. Because other translation units will not be able to see the definition of the specialization, they will continue to use the non-specialized version.
Be wary of putting a specialization in its own separate header file, with the intent of including the specialization’s header in any translation unit where the specialization is desired. It’s a bad idea to design code that transparently changes behavior based on the presence or absence of a header file. For example, if you intend to use the specialization but forget to include the header of the specialization, you may end up using the non-specialized version instead. If you intend to use the non-specialization, you may end up using the specialization anyway if some other header includes the specialization as a transitive include.