14.17 — Constexpr aggregates and classes

In lesson F.1 -- Constexpr functions, we covered constexpr functions, which are functions that may be evaluated at either compile-time or runtime. For example:

#include <iostream>

constexpr int greater(int x, int y)
    return (x > y ? x : y);

int main()
    std::cout << greater(5, 6) << '\n'; // greater(5, 6) may be evaluated at compile-time or runtime

    constexpr int g { greater(5, 6) };  // greater(5, 6) must be evaluated at compile-time
    std::cout << g << '\n';             // prints 6

    return 0;

In this example, greater() is a constexpr function, and greater(5, 6) is a constant expression, which may be evaluated at either compile-time or runtime. Because std::cout << greater(5, 6) calls greater(5, 6) in a non-constexpr context, the compiler is free to choose whether to evaluate greater(5, 6) at compile-time or runtime. When greater(5, 6) is used to initialize constexpr variable g, greater(5, 6) is called in a constexpr context, and must be evaluated at compile-time.

Now consider the following similar example:

#include <iostream>

struct Pair
    int m_x {};
    int m_y {};

    int greater() const
        return (m_x > m_y  ? m_x : m_y);

int main()
    Pair p { 5, 6 };                  // inputs are constexpr values
    std::cout << p.greater() << '\n'; // p.greater() evaluates at runtime

    constexpr int g { p.greater() };  // compile error: greater() not constexpr
    std::cout << g << '\n';

    return 0;

In this version, we have an aggregate struct named Pair, and greater() is now a member function. However, because member function greater() is not constexpr, p.greater() is not a constant expression. When std::cout << p.greater() calls p.greater() (in a non-constexpr context), p.greater() will be evaluated at runtime. However, when we try to use p.greater() to initialize constexpr variable g, we get a compile error, as p.greater() cannot be evaluated at compile-time.

Since the inputs to p are constexpr values (5 and 6), it seems like p.greater() should be capable of being evaluated at compile-time. But how do we do that?

Constexpr member functions

Just like non-member functions, member functions can be made constexpr via use of the constexpr keyword. Constexpr member functions can be evaluated at either compile-time or runtime.

#include <iostream>

struct Pair
    int m_x {};
    int m_y {};

    constexpr int greater() const // can evaluate at either compile-time or runtime
        return (m_x > m_y  ? m_x : m_y);

int main()
    Pair p { 5, 6 };
    std::cout << p.greater() << '\n'; // okay: p.greater() evaluates at runtime

    constexpr int g { p.greater() };  // compile error: p not constexpr
    std::cout << g << '\n';

    return 0;

In this example, we’ve made greater() a constexpr function, so the compiler can evaluate it at either runtime or compile-time.

When we call p.greater() in runtime expression std::cout << p.greater(), it evaluates at runtime.

However, when p.greater() is used to initialize constexpr variable g, we get a compiler error. Although greater() is now constexpr, p is still not constexpr, therefore p.greater() is not a constant expression.

Constexpr aggregates

Okay, so if we need p to be constexpr, let’s just make it constexpr:

#include <iostream>

struct Pair // Pair is an aggregate
    int m_x {};
    int m_y {};

    constexpr int greater() const
        return (m_x > m_y  ? m_x : m_y);

int main()
    constexpr Pair p { 5, 6 };        // now constexpr
    std::cout << p.greater() << '\n'; // p.greater() evaluates at runtime or compile-time

    constexpr int g { p.greater() };  // p.greater() must evaluate at compile-time
    std::cout << g << '\n';

    return 0;

Since Pair is an aggregate, and aggregates implicitly support constexpr, we’re done. This works! Since p is a constexpr type, and greater() is a constexpr member function, p.greater() is a constant expression and can be used in places where only constant expressions are allowed.

Related content

We covered aggregates in lesson 13.8 -- Struct aggregate initialization.

Constexpr class objects and constexpr constructors

Now let’s make our Pair a non-aggregate:

#include <iostream>

class Pair // Pair is no longer an aggregate
    int m_x {};
    int m_y {};

    Pair(int x, int y): m_x { x }, m_y { y } {}

    constexpr int greater() const
        return (m_x > m_y  ? m_x : m_y);

int main()
    constexpr Pair p { 5, 6 };       // compile error: p is not a literal type
    std::cout << p.greater() << '\n';

    constexpr int g { p.greater() };
    std::cout << g << '\n';

    return 0;

This example is almost identical to the prior one, except Pair is no longer an aggregate (due to having private data members and a constructor).

When we compile this program, we get a compiler error about Pair not being a “literal type”. Say what?

In C++, a literal type is any type for which it might be possible to create an object within a constant expression. Put another way, an object can’t be constexpr unless the type qualifies as a literal type. And our non-aggregate Pair does not qualify.


A literal and a literal type are distinct (but related) things. A literal is a constexpr value that is inserted into the source code. A literal type is a type that can be used as the type of a constexpr value. A literal always has a literal type. However, a value or object with a literal type need not be a literal.

The definition of a literal type is complex, and a summary can be found on cppreference. However, it’s worth noting that literal types include:

  • Scalar types (those holding a single value, such as fundamental types and pointers)
  • Reference types
  • Most aggregates
  • Classes that have a constexpr constructor

And now we see why our Pair isn’t a literal type. When a class object is instantiated, the compiler will call the constructor function to initialize the object. And the constructor function in our Pair class is not constexpr, so it can’t be invoked at compile-time. Therefore, Pair objects cannot be constexpr.

The fix for this is simple: we just make our constructor constexpr as well:

#include <iostream>

class Pair
    int m_x {};
    int m_y {};

    constexpr Pair(int x, int y): m_x { x }, m_y { y } {} // now constexpr

    constexpr int greater() const
        return (m_x > m_y  ? m_x : m_y);

int main()
    constexpr Pair p { 5, 6 };
    std::cout << p.greater() << '\n';

    constexpr int g { p.greater() };
    std::cout << g << '\n';

    return 0;

This works as expected, just like our aggregate version of Pair did.

Best practice

If you want your class to be able to be evaluated at compile-time, make your member functions and constructor constexpr.

Implicitly defined constructors are constexpr if they can be defined as such. Explicitly defaulted constructors must be explicitly defined as constexpr.


Constexpr is part of the interface of the class, and removing it later will break callers who are calling the function in a constant context.

Constexpr members may be needed with non-constexpr/non-const objects

In the above example, since the initializer of constexpr variable g must be a constant expression, it’s clear that p.greater() must be a constant expression, and therefore p, the Pair constructor, and greater() must all be constexpr.

However, if we replace p.greater() with a constexpr function, things get a little less obvious:

#include <iostream>

class Pair
    int m_x {};
    int m_y {};

    constexpr Pair(int x, int y): m_x { x }, m_y { y } {}

    constexpr int greater() const
        return (m_x > m_y  ? m_x : m_y);

constexpr int init()
    Pair p { 5, 6 };    // requires constructor to be constexpr when evaluated at compile-time
    return p.greater(); // requires greater() to be constexpr when evaluated at compile-time

int main()
    constexpr int g { init() }; // init() evaluated in compile-time context
    std::cout << g << '\n';

    return 0;

Remember that a constexpr function can evaluate at either runtime or compile-time. And when a constexpr function evaluates at compile-time, it can only call functions capable of evaluating at compile-time. In the case of a class type, that means constexpr member functions.

Since g is constexpr, init() must be evaluated at compile-time. Within the init() function, we define p as non-constexpr/non-const (because we can, not because we should). Even though p is not defined as constexpr, p still needs to be created at compile-time, and therefore requires a constexpr Pair constructor. Similarly, in order for p.greater() to evaluate at compile-time, greater() must be a constexpr member function. If either the Pair constructor or greater() were not constexpr, the compiler would error.

Key insight

When a constexpr function is evaluating in a compile-time context, only constexpr functions can be called.

Constexpr member functions may be const or non-const C++14

In C++11, non-static constexpr member functions are implicitly const (except constructors).

However, as of C++14, constexpr member functions are no longer implicitly const. This means that if you want a constexpr function to be a const function, you must explicitly mark it as such.

Constexpr non-const member functions can change data members Optional

A constexpr non-const member function can change data members of the class, so long as the implicit object isn’t const. This is true even if the function is evaluating at compile-time.

Here’s a contrived example of this:

#include <iostream>

class Pair
    int m_x {};
    int m_y {};

    constexpr Pair(int x, int y): m_x { x }, m_y { y } {}

    constexpr int greater() const // constexpr and const
        return (m_x > m_y  ? m_x : m_y);

    constexpr void reset() // constexpr but non-const
        m_x = m_y = 0; // non-const member function can change members

    constexpr const int& getX() const { return m_x; }

// This function is constexpr
constexpr Pair zero()
    Pair p { 1, 2 }; // p is non-const
    p.reset();       // okay to call non-const member function on non-const object
    return p;

int main()
    Pair p1 { 3, 4 };
    p1.reset();                     // okay to call non-const member function on non-const object
    std::cout << p1.getX() << '\n'; // prints 0
    Pair p2 { zero() };             // zero() will be evaluated at runtime
    p2.reset();                     // okay to call non-const member function on non-const object
    std::cout << p2.getX() << '\n'; // prints 0

    constexpr Pair p3 { zero() };   // zero() will be evaluated at compile-time
//    p3.reset();                   // Compile error: can't call non-const member function on const object
    std::cout << p3.getX() << '\n'; // prints 0

    return 0;

As we work through this example, remember:

  • A non-const member function can modify members of non-const objects.
  • A constexpr member function can be called in either runtime contexts or compile-time contexts.

These two things work independently.

In the case of p1, p1 is non-const. Therefore, we are allowed to call non-const member function p1.reset() to modify p1. The fact that reset() is constexpr doesn’t matter here because nothing we’re doing requires compile-time evaluation.

The p2 case is similar. In this case, the initializer to p2 is a function call to zero(). Even though zero() is a constexpr function, in this case it is invoked in a runtime context, and acts just like a normal function. Within zero(), we instantiate non-const p, call non-const member function p.reset() on it, and then return p. The returned Pair is used as the initializer for p2. The fact that zero() and reset() are constexpr don’t matter in this case, because nothing we’re doing requires compile-time evaluation.

The p3 case is the interesting one. Because p3 is constexpr, it must have a constant expression initializer. Therefore, this call to zero() must evaluate at compile-time. And because we’re evaluating in a compile-time context, we can only call constexpr functions. Inside zero(), p is non-const (which is allowed, even though we’re evaluating at compile-time). However, because we’re in a compile-time context, the constructor used to create p must be constexpr. And just like the p2 case, we’re allowed to call non-const member function p.reset() on non-const object p. But because we’re in a compile-time context, the reset() member function must be constexpr. The function then returns p, which is used to initialize p3.

Author’s note

Yes, we used a non-const object to initialize a constexpr object. If this breaks your brain, it’s probably because you haven’t fully separated const from constexpr.

There is no requirement that a constexpr variable be initialized with a const value. It may seem that way because most of the time we initialize constexpr variable using literals (which are const) or other constexpr variables (which are implicitly const), and because the terms const and constexpr have similar names.

The requirement is actually that a constexpr variable be initialized with a constant expression. For functions (and operators), constexpr does not imply const, and constexpr functions (and operators) can make use of non-const objects and even return them.

The important thing isn’t the const, its that the compiler can determine the value of the object at compile-time. And in the case of constexpr functions, that’s possible even when they return a non-const object!

Constexpr functions that return const references (or pointers) Optional

Normally you won’t see constexpr and const used right next to each other, but one case where this does happen is when you have a constexpr member function that returns a const reference (or (const) pointer-to-const).

In our Pair class above, getX() is a constexpr member function that returns a const reference:

    constexpr const int& getX() const { return m_x; }

That’s a lot of const-ing!

The constexpr indicates that the member function can be evaluated at compile-time. The const int& is the return type of the function. The rightmost const means the member-function itself is const so it can be called on const objects.

As an aside…

A member function that returned a const pointer to const instead might look something like this:

constexpr const int* const getXPtr() const { return &m_x; }

Isn’t it beautiful? No? Okay, fine.

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