In lesson 7.3 -- Local variables, we covered that local variables are variables defined inside a function body. Local variables have block scope (are only visible within the block they are declared in), and have automatic duration (they are created at the point of definition and destroyed when the block is exited).
In C++, variables can also be declared outside of a function. Such variables are called global variables.
Declaring global variables
By convention, global variables are declared at the top of a file, below the includes, in the global namespace. Here’s an example of a global variable being defined:
The above example prints:
3 3 5
The scope of global variables
Identifiers declared in the global namespace have global namespace scope (commonly called global scope, and sometimes informally called file scope), which means they are visible from the point of declaration until the end of the file in which they are declared.
Once declared, a global variable can be used anywhere in the file from that point onward! In the above example, global variable g_x
is used in both functions doSomething()
and main()
Global variables can also be defined inside a user-defined namespace. Here is the same example as above, but g_x
has been moved from the global scope into user-defined namespace Foo
Although the identifier g_x
is now limited to the scope of namespace Foo
, that name is still globally accessible (via Foo::g_x
), and g_x
is still a global variable.
Key insight
Variables declared inside a namespace are also global variables.
Best practice
Prefer defining global variables inside a namespace rather than in the global namespace.
Global variables have static duration
Global variables are created when the program starts (before main()
begins execution), and destroyed when it ends. This is called static duration. Variables with static duration are sometimes called static variables.
Naming global variables
By convention, some developers prefix global variable identifiers with “g” or “g_” to indicate that they are global. This prefix serves several purposes:
- It helps avoid naming collisions with other identifiers in the global namespace.
- It helps prevent inadvertent name shadowing (we discuss this point further in lesson 7.5 -- Variable shadowing (name hiding)).
- It helps indicate that the prefixed variables persist beyond the scope of the function, and thus any changes we make to them will also persist.
Global variables defined inside a user-defined namespace often omit the prefix (since the first two points in the list above are not an issue in this case, and we can infer that a variable is a global when we see a prepended namespace name). However, it doesn’t hurt if you want to keep the prefix as a more visible reminder of the third point.
Best practice
Consider using a “g” or “g_” prefix when naming global variables (especially those defined in the global namespace), to help differentiate them from local variables and function parameters.
Author’s note
We sometimes get feedback from readers asking whether prefixes such as g_
are okay because they’ve been told that prefixes are a form of Hungarian notation and “Hungarian notation is bad”.
The objection to Hungarian notation comes mainly from the use of Hungarian notation to encode the type of the variable in the variable’s name. e.g. nAge
, where n
means int
. That’s not that useful in modern C++.
However, using prefixes (typically g
, s
, and m
) to represent the scope or duration of a variable does add value, for the reasons noted in this section.
Global variable initialization
Unlike local variables, which are uninitialized by default, variables with static duration are zero-initialized by default.
Non-constant global variables can be optionally initialized:
Constant global variables
Just like local variables, global variables can be constant. As with all constants, constant global variables must be initialized.
Related content
We discuss global constants in more detail in lesson 7.10 -- Sharing global constants across multiple files (using inline variables).
A word of caution about (non-constant) global variables
New programmers are often tempted to use lots of global variables, because they can be used without having to explicitly pass them to every function that needs them. However, use of non-constant global variables should generally be avoided altogether! We’ll discuss why in upcoming lesson 7.8 -- Why (non-const) global variables are evil.
Quick Summary